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Thursday, August 05, 2010. Monday, July 19, 2010. Tuesday, May 04, 2010. Friday, December 11, 2009. Smaller the phone, the bigger the box. Thursday, December 10, 2009. Maritime YES Club - Year End Get Together. Thursday, November 26, 2009.
As I said in my previous post,. Thanks to the handful of you for reading my blog,. I appreciate all the tags and comments. So, thank you very much. I love you, Lavanya. And so many people are going to NS now. The first to enter NS is MOKANEHNEHPOK. Be safe, have fun. Sweet boy, as always.
Saturday, February 27, 2010. Please amend your link accordingly. Decided to change to Wordpress cause there got more and better functions. in my personal opinion la. But updates would be at my new address. Updates at my new blog coming up.
Its all me baby, deal with it. I Basically get AlmoSt all That I want. eVen WhEn i d0nT, Im stIlL a lucky girl. S f0r My Family And FrieNds to Be HAppy N healThy. Friday, April 03, 2009. These 4 more days i dread the most. These 4 more days i wish would slow. My heart is wrenching because it knows. My boo is leavin n my tears will flow. I love my boo i love him so. I love you my boo.
Longer and thicker hair! Get into the local Unis. DAMN IM REALLY FREAKED OUT ABT GETTING MY RESULTS. Sunday, February 08, 2009. The long overdue photos from Shanghai trip dec 2008.
All you need to know. January 7, 2012 in Uncategorized. October 10, 2011 in Uncategorized. Why is it that I cannot make up my bloody mind on what I want to do? Omg seriously. all I know is to procrastinate. HATE MYSELF SO FFFF MUCH.
Friday, February 27, 2009. Im totally obsessed with my weight now. OMG i hate my body.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008. Thursday, May 22, 2008. Grrrr and all my other frens were teasing us for being outcasted.
Building our legacy towards a culture of excellence in public service. By BGEN JOSELITO E KAKILALA Commander, CRS AFP Our military leadership has vigorously outlined and emphasized the thrusts of the military service to transform towards a culture of excellence so that it can achieve its vision.
R - E - T - Coming Soon. Dira Mortis - Rusty Razor Cuts. Pikodeath - Tief in Dir. Cremaster - Słynna Praczka i Chór Wujów. Dizastor - After Your Die We Mosh. Rotengeist - Start to Exterminate. Terrordome - Well Show You Bosch, Mitch! Blacksnake - Lucifers Bride. Reverend Hellbastard - Every Fucking Halloween. Traktor - Fast and Loud. Thrashing Damnation Thru Compilation 2.
Divendres, 12 de novembre de 2010. Perquè volem polítiques socials, perquè mirem què passa al Regne Unit i ens agafen esgarrifances. Però sobretot perquè creiem en allò que fem! Enllaços a aquest missatge. Improvitzant des de la Blackberry. Dijous, 17 de juny de 2010. Ni Chicha, Ni Limoná.
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