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COMMUNITAS NA ISPITU u glavnom programu 48. In the Visual Arts section to Marta Popivoda. The prize will be presented on 18 March by the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, and Akademie President Klaus Staeck.
Orientation in 100 revolutions investigates notion of re-materialisation as a tool to imagine the totality of the world and to comprehend its revolutionary potential.
Une image vaut mille mots! Rodjen sam u Somboru, živim u Novom Sadu a radim diljem Srbije, Evrope i sveta. Na vreme sam se okanio ekonomskih nauka i pronašao sebe u ljubavi prema fotografiji i snimanju kamerom. Skice umesto olovkom na papiru beležim starim fotoaparatima na film. Jedna slika vredi više od hiljadu reči.
Grzegorz Bojanek and Lights Dim. Stories of an Old Man. Grzegorz Bojanek and Shen Piji. Konrad Maszczyk and Grzegorz Bojanek.
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