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Thursday, October 14, 2004. long time no blog . 1 512 mb ddr ram. So i wish all muslim out there happy fasting! I was g.
it starts, it ends. along the way it bumps. Tuesday, March 13, 2018. Have a nice day, peeps! Monday, January 02, 2017. Like previous years, we did not celebrate. I made the kids wrote down their resolutions. Rimas mama tengok asik main gadgets aje. All the best for 2017.
Reading about me is like watching paint dry. Swallowed in the sea - Coldplay. I dont even know myself - The Who. The Price of Gas - Bloc Party. Dead Souls - Joy Division. No Brakes - The Bravery. Positive Tension - Bloc Party. The End Is the Beginning Is the End - Smashing Pum. Good Times, Bad Times - Led Zeppelin. The Pink Cyclist in G Strings.
Baru je keja, tapi masih kena belajar. main snowboard best gak ni. Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Ingat nak post di fb, tapi pasal aku tak kawin lagi n dah berabuk sangat blog ni, aku copy paste di sini je la. Seorang isteri mengeluh mengapa suaminya sudah semakin jarang mengirim. Pesanan ringkas berisikan kata-kata cinta, sayang, rindu seperti mula-mula. Apakah dia sudah jemu? Berjam.
When you get the urge to write, then by all means, do. Tuesday, December 12, 2006. Maybe tuck them neatly in the past, where they belong. I do want to start afresh. So, I gotta start to let go. Friday, December 01, 2006. Hmm for opening day, not bad eh? Often when the word.
We strive to earn customer trust through the quality of our products and through our responsiveness and accountability to all our customers. Bluekode Solutions is formed specifically with the vision to provide world-class IT solutions by Kovai Pazhamudir. BKS-POS is a Sales Management software for business owners to make informed decisions and make your business.
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