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Anda pasti pernah berurusan dengan bank. Tapi kalau saya tanya apakah ada di antara Anda yang tahu apa sih sebenarnya bank itu, saya yakin tidak semuanya bisa menjawab. Kalau belum tahu, kenapa Anda tetap mau membuka rekening dan menyimpan uang di sana? Tadi telah dikatakan, bahwa bisnis utama bank adalah sebagai lembaga penyimpanan uang dan peminjaman uang.
Money Matters - Really! One of the biggest challenges facing black RELATIONSHIPS today are finances. Many people mistakenly feel that money does NOT matter. In fact, money matters the MOST! Most people do not have a clue about their own financial destiny. That is right- I said it! You should not count what someone ELSE brings to the table when all your money is tied up in petty and senseless bills. Talking about petty and senseless- let us discuss CARS! Contact me if you need to be .
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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Stock Market. The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. Back testing may convince some people but I am only convinced with what works now.
Virtually all Australian employees now have a superannuation account, many have several, even more than they know about. We all hope to use this money to fund our retirement, but unless you look after your super then you are in danger of losing some of your money along the way. The Australian Government is ge.
I spoke to a group of salespeople in Kansas City last week as they kicked off their new team. It was exciting to see them get excited about making a difference through their work. The topic they assigned me was Simply the Best. They do what Stephen Covey calls begin with the end in mind.
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Cultura, crítica e tudo o mais. Dave Brubeck no Mundo da Lua. Antes eu ía escrever só um post bem tristonho, afinal hoje morreu um músico e tanto. Um cara importante pro mundo e pra mim. Aí eu lembrei que ele era importante pra mim de um jeito engraçado, que não deixa de ter a ver com a coisa mais importante que ele fez em sua trajetória musical. Eu tô falando do Dave Brubeck e do Time Out.