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The spices of life away from home. HAVING TONS OF FUN! Sunday, July 27, 2008. You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
Sunday, August 03, 2008. Last post for this blog. Will be changing over to a new blog which i will reveal the address real soon. Ok, my affinity with 6 SIR Maju Camp Support Company Military Police has come to an end with the commencement of ORD Parade and ORD Dinner. I was busy until the start of the parade, around 5pm. Okok now comes the ORD Dinner. So, thus i shall end this blog with.
Monday, May 14, 2007. I will never be this foolish again. Thanks alot for showing me mercy. Please ask me personally if you want the net address. Friday, May 11, 2007. Anyway, on to the pictures! I thi.
Xtra-Its not whether we are a xtra or not, its how xtra we are. Sunday, April 03, 2011. This blog is officially declared dead. You will nv c a post here ever again. Monday, October 06, 2008. hopefully this is the last of the last post in this blog, till the day xtraxtraxtra. Monday, September 22, 2008. I dun care, this blog is dead still.
Does not care to give more info. Powered by TagBoard Message Board. Friday, September 22, 2006 . Wake up at 5 am every day, get ready and fall in by 5. 45, eat breakfast at 6, and suffer the rest of the day.
AlwaYs SeeKing Th3 BeTTer Me In My Lif3, GivIng My BesT ShoT! Th3 Gr3at3st ReGr3t In LiF3 i5 Wh3n u GivUp A ChAnCe Or An OppOrTunItY EvEn B4 U TrY BCo5 U R AfrAiD T0 FaLL ReGiNa. A ProMise Made to Him, StaY FoCu5 in STUDY; Be Back Early. Should I Be Who I Wanna Be? Be Brave and KeeP My C0ols. THi5 i5 A Little W0rLd I LiVe in,FuLL Of DaILy PhiLo5ophical HaPpenInGs .
Thursday, December 17, 2009. enjoy! Links to this post. Wednesday, December 09, 2009. Sunday, September 27, 2009. Sunday, September 06, 2009. After a close brush with a cult.
Is marked private by its owner. If you were invited to view this site, please log in. Below Read more about privacy settings. Larr; Back to WordPress.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007. So, its Christmas Day. And WOW, my brother got me something big. He bought me a Playstation 3! Which means, i am for the first time in my life, the BESTMAN. Bachelor Party here I come. Tuesday, December 18, 2007.
Среда, 25 мая 2016 г. Stawianie plotki Winylowe na plot i furtę ze sztachetek nie potrzebuje zezwolenia na to oraz komunikowania tego faktu starostwu powiatowemu z wyjątkiem szczególnych przypadków. Stawianie plot z plastiku na plot i bramę ze sztachet nie potrzebuje pozwolenia na to ani zgłaszania tego faktu starostwu powiatowemu poza wyjątkowymi przypadkami. Stawianie ogrodzenia przekraczającego 2,2 m wysokości bez względu na położenie ogrodzenia. Niekiedy do budowy ploty z plastiku na plot i furtkę ze.