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Neil is the one on the right, on the left is Reagan. So they usually sit together and stand by each other in the field. Here is Neil with Coach Tim. Rick and I laugh because Neil waits forever before he swings the bat. He stands there and stares at the ball with that cute little grin on his face. We all tried to limit the number of kids we brought, so it wo.
D i s c o v e r i n g monsters. Finding my life somewhere between there and here. It is still a work in progress, and no doubt the look of it may change daily or weekly, until I find what I like. But for now, please follow. Butter, Berries, Cream and Spice.
Fresh, frugal, and fun tips for your suburban life! December 1, 2009. You can also get my updates on Facebook. Just become a fan! AND you can follow me on Twitter.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012. Lynda and I went to Wild Adventures with Rick and his family for a day of fun and a concert later in the evening. Neil loves the roller coaster. G-Ma and Savannah Lee on the Merry-Go-Round. Savannah Lee looking for some attention. Papa gets some quality time with Savannah Lee. After waiting all day, Foreigner takes the stage. They are really a great band with a slew of top 10 hits. Neil is all wrapped up. Lori, Rick and Auburn enjoying the concert.
Jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010. Cada vez me resulta más complicado escribir esto. Debe ser porque las cosas dejan de parecer, y empiezan a ser. Algunas se pueden tocar con las manos y otras sencillamente se muestran tal y cómo son a tu alrededor. Ahora esto ya es otra vida, ya parece que estamos instalados, ya no todo es bueno, ni tampoco todo es malo. Ahora de pronto todo es real. Gracias Pablo, Iker, Borja S. , Johannes, Hugo y Amaia.