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鏃ワ紝鐢辨柊鍗庣綉鍜屼腑鍥界ぞ绉戦櫌浼佷笟绀句細璐d换鐮旂 涓 績绛夊崟浣嶈仈鍚堜富鍔炵殑2017涓 浗绀句細璐d换鍏 泭鐩涘吀鍦ㄥ寳浜 妇鍔炩? 纰х敓婧愭柀鑾疯惀閿 绛栧垝鍏ㄥ満澶у 锛屼负闈掓槬鐨勪綘鑽h 鍔犺韩. 纰х敓婧愮敤琛屽姩鎹у洖鑽h獕 涓 浗淇濆仴鍗忎細鎺堜簣鈥滀紭绉 浜у搧濂栤? 鏃ワ紝鐢卞浗瀹堕 鍝佽嵂鍝佺洃鐫g 鐞嗗眬銆佷腑鍥芥秷璐硅 呭崗浼氭敮鎸侊紝涓 浗淇濆仴鍗忎細涓诲姙鐨? 2013涓 浗琚嬫场鑼跺搧鐗岃 鍧涘湪娴庡崡涓捐 纰х敓婧愬紩棰嗘帰瀵昏 鈥? 7骞存潵锛屼竴鐩存 鎶辨劅鎭 箣蹇冨弽鍝虹ぞ浼氥 傚叕鍙稿垝鎷ㄤ笓闂ㄨ祫閲戣 绔? .
One painstaking pixel at a time. Is the personal site of designer Darren Ansley. Twitter Is Not a Failure. Twitter will be forced to risk killing what people love about it in order to turn itself into something even bigger. I spend my days working for the Houston based and hospitality focused technology company SHR. Comes in all sizes! .
This domain is available for sale. To purchase, call Afternic at 1 781-314-9607 or 844-886-1722.