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Лесное, сельское хозяйство, садоводство. Товары для дома и офиса. Туризм, спорт, отдых и развлечения. Пусть в вашей жизни начнется весна! Приглашаем вас провести выходные, отпуск или просто отдохнуть и восстановить свои силы в . Национальный координационный центр биобезопасности Института генетики и цитологии НАН Беларуси . Адрес, телефон, контакты предприятия, организации. Уникальные рецептуры, актуальность и.
The state structures relations with local authorities and business. After the local election campaign, President Lukashenka has resumed staff rotations in local authorities. Minsk and Kiev seek to resume cooperation on security matters. Despite difficulties in bilateral relations, Belarus and Ukraine appear to be ready to resume cooperation on security matters to meet their.
The Journal of Belarusian Studies. About The Journal of Belarusian Studies. In 1965 the Anglo-Belarusian Society began publishing a yearbook - The Journal of Byelorussian Studies. Since 2013, the Journal of Belarusian Studies is published in London by the Ostrogorski Centre. In cooperation with the Anglo-Belarusian Society. The Journal is distributed annually to universities, libraries and private subscribers in the UK, the US, Belarus and other countries throughout the world.
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Belarus Seyahatinde Bulunacak Olan Kişilerin Dikkatine! TC devleti hükümeti ile Belarus devleti hükümetinin Mart 2013 tarihi itibariyle imzalamış oldukları karşılıklı vize muafiyeti anlaşması 1 Haziran 2014 tarihi itibariyle yürürlüğe girmiş bulunmaktadır. vatandaşları 30 günü geçmeme koşuluyla Belarus vize işlemleri.