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Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Conference Moved to May 16-19th. The best laid plans of mice and men. Life will do what it tends to do. Which lately seems to be delay what I want most- Online Conference! So May it must be. May 16-19th! It is a date and not falls down the stairs, dog bites, or crazy folks will keep us from this again! BBPOC here we come! Sorry for any confusion this causes! Wednesday, March 27, 2013. Friday April 12th - Industry Day.
Black, Bashor and Porsch, LLP. Welcome and thank you for visiting our Website. In addition to providing you with a profile of our firm and the services we provide, this Website has been designed to become a helpful resource tool to you, our valued clients and visitors. Our dedication to superior client service has brought us to the Internet as we endeavor to continue to provide the highest quality professional service and guidance. Designed by CCH Site Builder.
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IPod Touch models running iOS 7 or later.