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You might enjoy reading if you like to read about life in Canada, sports, travel, brain issues, books, randomness or the environment. If you can relate at all, or are curious about thoughts from a damaged brain, read on. Sunday, August 25, 2013. What to see you favourite city in the form of a challenged mental map? Wednesday, August 14, 2013.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014. Tuesday, April 22, 2014. Monday, September 16, 2013. These were taken June 7 - Sam was two weeks old. Tuesday, August 20, 2013. So i guess I will be posting whenever the mood strikes. Sunday, August 12, 2012. Until then, bye for now! Friday, July 20, 2012.
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Maiatza 20, 2011 in Ariketak. Aurreko hilabetean, estatu mailan mugimendu interesgarri bat martxan jarrida, mugimendu horren atzean ineternetaen erabilera berria ikusi dugu. Mugimendua aztertu, bere helburuak ikertu eta komunikatzeko eta munduarekin informazioa partekatzeko erabili dituzten tresnei buruz sarrera bat argitaratu zure blogean. Maiatza 12, 2011 in Ariketak. Martxoa 5, 2011 in Ariketak.
Sunday, 4 August 2013. Squeezing in time for our significant other is a no-brainer. Friday, 14 June 2013. Later! Tuesday, 11 June 2013. Sigh Well of course I do.
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