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O Destacamento de Fuzileiros Especiais Nº9 fez a sua comissão em Moçambique entre 69 e 71. Terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015. Sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014. 3 Oficiais, 4 Sargentos, 65 Praças. Em Mueda foi montado acampamento.
I hope you learn and enjoy it. I planned to help out with as many voluntary projects as I can juggle with my internship programme. How far have I gone? The other major thing I planned to improve this year is my Savings. How far have I gone? .
Què haig de portar? Divendres, 31 de juliol de 2015. Avui acabem un mes ple de bons moments. Marxem de vacances més que contents amb tot el què hem viscut aquest mes de Juliol. Voleu veure totes les aventures. Que hem viscut avui a Besalú.
Diumenge, 21 de juny de 2015. Guanyadora del concurs Relat Breu de Coca-Cola. La Teia va anar a Barcelona a recollir el premi, un iPad mini! Guanyat en el Concurs Relat Breu de Coca-Cola. Dilluns, 15 de juny de 2015. Avui hem celebrat els darrers bombons literaris del curs i tot ha quedat a casa. Divendres, 5 de juny de 2015.
She is one makeup artist I follow religiously. this is worth re blogging, so here it is. Enjoy and do vote, thanks. Originally posted on Jagabeauty Makeup and Style. Then it so happened on this faithful day, one .
The story of the Music Box. 8220;Ok, go and think about why you want it and come back and tell me when you know.