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Urkizu - Bamako - Urkizu 2011. Gaur izan gara Euskadi Irratiko Faktoria saioan, Manu Etxezorturekin hizketan. Hasieran nerbioei ezin eutsirik aritu gara, eta gero motza egin zaigu! Beldur pixka bat ematen du elkarrizketatua izateak. Zer galdetuko ote digute? Nola erantzungo ote dugu? Larritu egin gara, eta Miramongo aparkalekuan, gure Boteprontotik atera aurretik, pasarazi nahi genituen ideia nagusiak papertxo batean idatzi ditugu. Poltsikoan sartu eta han joan gara. A, eta gaur goizean Euskadi Irratia e.
Sweetening human genetics in short sips. At the turn of the 21 century, did anything look more robust than the Out-of-Africa hypothesis? Not to me. I learned about it during my undergraduate studies in Biology, which I had started in 2001.
The international conference Plagiarism across Europe and Beyond aims to be a forum for sharing best practices and experience with addressing academic integrity issues, namely plagiarism. There will be several invited keynote speakers addresses, as well as presentations of researchers from all around the world, whose papers will pass the review process. After several publicly well known scandals, plagiarism became an issue in higher education. Many universities are looking for.
ARGAZKIAK eta BIDEOAK - FOTOGRAFÍAS y VIDEOS. ESKOLAKO BLOGAK- BLOGS DE LA ESCUELA. IKASLEEN LANAK- TRABAJOS DE ALUMNOS-AS. Martes, 30 de junio de 2015. ziklokoak San Juanera joan ziren eta bueltan Oierren baserritik pasa ziren. Ikusi argazkiak! Enviar por correo electrónico. Lunes, 22 de junio de 2015. Eskerrik asko egindako lanagatik! Gracias a todo.