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Thursday, March 19, 2015. My high school mascot was the fighting Irish. I have many tasty memories of my mom making corned beef and cabbage for supper once a year on St. If I took a dance class, my first choice would be highland dance. Explains the story very well.
Sunday, November 21, 2010. I just uploaded pictures from my camera and found more 17 month pics! Lisa was in town with Kylie and we got together for a little play date. It was so cute watching them play together. They are 9 months apart but they were loving each other. They both got big smiles on their faces looking at each other. Saturday, November 20, 2010. This was scary and Riley was h.
Flogs or Recipe links I read. Sunday, January 17, 2016. Hello baby girl, this is the first blog entry dedicated to you. Happily swimming and kicking around. Mommy pray that you continue to be active and healthy inside until you are born full term. We have another half the journey to go. Wednesday, January 06, 2016. I rush home to steam bird nest for you and me. All I get is you, pre occupied and choose to be occupied with dramas and more drama.
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Postieľky, kočíky, autosedačky a kojenecké potreby. Kvalitné, pohodlné a roztomilé oblečenie pre deti. Chcete byť informovaná, až budú nové kočíky alebo postieľky? Nechajte nám svoju e-mailovú adresu, napíšeme Vám, až budú nové veci pre mamičky a pre deti. A skladovú dostupnosť veľkej časti ponúkaného sortimentu. Aktuálne v kategórii - Drevené hračky.