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This is a blog that captures my experiences as a bride in planning. Join me in my adventures in my journey to the aisle as I make golden moments. Saturday, November 28, 2009. Shopping Over the Holiday Weekend. I can go out with the intention to get something much needed for myself and end up buying something for our future home.
Can i do it? Monday, December 14, 2009. and then think about it some more, knowing the inevitable, still hopeful for another outcome. And now i have to say goodbye? So amidst the flurry.
Thursday, March 29, 2012. This is one reason why blogging is such a great way to journal. if only for my own benefit. and thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.
A Tale of Two Cities, Baghdad and Washington. Congress voted on a financial budget for the current year within the budget. Vote on the budget of the House of Representatives for 2012. Congress voted on a financial budget for the current year within the budget bill in 2012. The House of Representatives held its regular day and voting on the budget bill for fiscal 2012.
I cannot post pictures on this blog. I cannot figure out how to fix it, so I just created a new blog! The new html so you can access my blog is. Just remove the s in the old html.
Photo Booth aus Holz kaufen. So schön, dass du hier bist! Sieh dich um und schreib uns, wenn dir unsere Bilder gefallen. Wir freuen uns auf euch und euer Fest. Seht euch unsere Hochzeits- reportagen an und lasst euch von den Bildergeschichten verzaubern. Zwei Herzen, die für Hochzeiten, die Liebe und die Natur schlagen. Lerne uns besser kennen! Lasst uns gemeinsam eure ganz persönliche Geschichte schreiben.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Hijabis. We hope you enjoy your stay! Eid Mubarak to all Muslims my Allah bless you all.