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This site is marked private by its owner. If you already have both of these, great! Larr; Back to WordPress.
Wednesday, January 24, 2018. It all started with a tweet from Kevin McDougald of The View from Seven. Being an occasional shortwave listener and CBC fan, this CBC story. The thought of owning a piece of Canadian broadcasting history, as impractical as it was, really appealed to me. Our story would have ended there, a what if.
Comments on Winnipeg from my apartment on Donald. Le Grand-Guignol Sur La Prairie. Maybe it was because it was late, maybe it was because I was tired, maybe it was because I had a long week, but Le Grand-Guignol Sur La Prairie. The play, Les Miserable Old Guys.
Winnipeg-based, this otherwise garden-variety blog is noted for its firmly-rooted values, well-formed discourse, shearing of regressive sophistry, and planting of new ideas. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Election Oracle, Manitoba edition. Wednesday, October 5, 2011. Yes, so that mean.
April 1, 2014 by Regan Wolfrom. No more windrows blocking off driveways. No more two drops of milk left in the carton someone stuffed back into the fridge. You know I want extra pineapples on my pita. So vote Regan for Mayor. So again, vote Regan.
Most of them are not a good fit for me, as I try to stay away from too much PR-type posting here, but every now and then, something legitimately cool comes along. One recent such email came from the Montreal startup Navut. In a nutshell, Navut is an online neighbourhood finder. Basically, you choose the city y.
Full of dreams, full of hopes.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010. Obama Purposely Destroying American Capitalism Before Our Own Eyes! Posted as received without editing save for the addition of ad pieces. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He is purposely overwhelming the U. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos - thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within. They have no responsibility to pay for it.