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Friday, December 26, 2014. This month had really been a hectic month for me with many ups and downs emotionally and physically. So now here I am standing strong again, ready to move on into the year 2015 and realigning my focus back to my career and to create wealth as well as find success. Following photographs to honour my Shanghai Dealers.
OFFER VALID TILL STOCK LASTS Creative pursuits of an Artist-Engineer. OFFER VALID TILL STOCK LASTS Creative pursuits of an Artist-Engineer. I seek creativity from my within as much as I seek experiences from the world around me. Views are personal and RT! .
Tuesday, July 11, 2006. Tuesday, July 04, 2006. Hortzmuga taldeak Lekeitioko hainbat gazterekin batera, Antzar Jokoa deritzon antzezlana antzeztuko du domeka honetan Lekeitioko kaleetan. Aurten, lehenengo bider, Lekeitioko gazteek talde profesional batekin lan egiteko aukera izan dute. Santi Basauri konpositorea ere proiektuan parte hartzen dabil. Berak egin du antzezlanaren soinu banda. Basauriren lana ikuskizunean bertan zuzenean entzun ahal izango da. Izan ere, musikariek ere parte hartzen.