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Wednesday, May 13, 2015. Updated Poster, still in progress. Souvenir pins for the Coldwater Steampunk Festival. I thought I would use my humour to describe the Steampunk festival in Coldwater. I designed something that could be used for every year, and this year is the fifth year of the festival therefore the big 5. I felt they needed their own logo to be made into buttons for fundraising purposes. Friday, April 17, 2015. Sunday, April 12, 2015.
A working animation designer in Vancouver i also serve coffee on the train. Wednesday, September 2, 2015. Sunday, August 30, 2015. Thursday, June 19, 2014.
Je ustanovljena z željo približati balet kot umetnost otrokom že v predšolskem in šolskem obdobju. Naš cilj je dati vsakemu otroku priložnost za razvoj samozaupanja, drže, koordinacije gibov ter razvoja njegove muzikalnosti v zabavnem in kreativnem a hkrati visoko profesionalnem okolju. Želimo izkoristiti vrhunsko umetniško znanje ter izkušnje naših učiteljev za poučevanje baleta ter razvoj nadarjenih učencev na najvišji profesionalni ravni. Otroke skozi igro in ples prip.
VW Group Night Shanghai 2015.
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