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All you need is love. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels,. But have not love,. I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers,. And understand all mysteries and all knowledge,. And if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains,. But have not love,. If I give away all I have,. And if I deliver my body to be burned,. But have not love,.
Break it to build it again. Praėjusi vasara tikrai sunaikino mane, visiškai ištaškė. Galima gi pagaliau pasimokyti iš klaidų. Situacija po truputį gerėja - pirmas pasiekimas, kad atsibudus vėl atsimenu sapnus. Dabar kiekvienas sapnas atrodo ypatingas. Jėzaus kambarys su rožinėm sienomis ant kampo. Prie pervažos kur stoja meksikiečiai pasilabint. Nes tam yra draugai su privalumais.
Trečiadienis, gegužės 31, 2017. Skaitiniai 2017 - 3 dalis. Ojėj kokia smagi saga nusimato.
It has been awhile, I.
Man žiauriai sunku prisiminti kas kartą, kad neturiu daryti to, ką daro kiti. Labai daug miegu ir sapnuoju. šiąnakt buvo toks sapnas, kad neva aš kažkokios moters žmona. kaip, kodėl? Buvo gana juokinga, turėjom didelį namą, ji turėjo didelius šviečiančius dantis. O atsibudusi vietoj džiugesio pajaučiau liūdesį, nes atrodo ilgai miegu iš neturėjimo ką veikt. Kultūra kuriasi iš kelionių, iš pokalbių ir iš meilės.
Biggest Threats To Endangered Right Whales. The death of a young right whale off Florida drives home the point that while disentanglement responses give the animals a better chance at survival, prevention of entanglements in fishing gear is paramount. Weakened and injured by the long entanglement, she was easier prey for sharks. Bite marks on the carcass suggest that scavenging sharks may have finished off the wounded whale by severing major veins at the base of the tail.
Animals in fiction interview by This is our Fauna. Well, here you go. How did your fascination towards animals start at the first place? This is our Fauna.
Seth MacFarlane Speaks Up for Animals on Set. Seth MacFarlane Speaks Up for Animals on Set. WHICH ANIMAL ARE YOU CASTING? No Animals Were Harmed.
Thursday, 19 January 2012. Ring neck dove - Streptopelia risoria. Do not exist in nature, they are long-domesticated form of the African Collard Dove - Streptopelia roseogrisea. They come in many colors, the most common one is the white and used by magicians in their performances. S and many doves breeders beginners all over the world start with them.
All about Laurel Canyon, the Laurel Canyon Animal Company and creating music about, for and with animals. Thursday, July 5, 2007. Music From The Pink Dolphins. They live in the rainforests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins. We made a musical CD with them with the help of several animal communicators.