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And with power even you can help stop Animal Cruelty. This website is my contribution to help bring voices to all these animals . Free, no membership is needed and it is non-profit to me. Often times once an abuse case has been to court and the criminals have been convicted, we tend to forget these cases. THOSE CASES WILL BE REMEMBERED HERE IN A SPOTLIGHT OF SHAME. For news in your area and all over the world about animals.
The Goddess of mercy has a thousand hands, and needs them all. Is the derivation of pleasure as a result of inflicting pain or watching pain inflicted on others. Thanks to our friends at Pet-Abuse. com, she is now listed in the database as an abuser to look out for. Most of all it represents justice and truth! Spider pig fish friend.
Um weiter aktuelle News zu erhalten, bitte hier klicken! Wir haben eine Online-Petition zur Abschaffung der Tierversuche an der RUB gestartet. Wenn ein Ausstieg aus der Atomkraft möglich ist, dann sollte doch ein Ausstieg aus dem Tierleid für die Wissenschaft noch viel leichter möglich sein! Bitte helft uns und beteiligt euch an unserer Petition. Übrigens findet Ihr uns jetzt auch auf Facebook. Die Kritische Theorie der Frankfurter Schule.
If faced with legal issues pertaining to ADA or State Statute noncompliance please consult legal counsel.
LIFELINE - Transport Service for Sick or Injured Animals and Birds LIFELONG - Commitment to Rescued Animals. Urgent appeal for cat fosterers and for dog fosterers. Recent Animals for Adoption News.