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Life is a wonderful adventure. The past seven months in Uganda has been some of the most fantastic, challenging and different months of my life. As our time in Uganda is coming to an end, I am going to allow myself to have a couple of clichés in this final blog post. The past seven months has gone by so fast. Want to know how you are doing, how your family is doing and how your home is. People care, and people .
Gaven som betyr en forskjell. Det er dagen før dagen. Snøen har lagt seg, treet er pynta og gavene er pakket inn. Jeg har lagt meg, men får ikke sove. Er det forventninger til morgendagen? Jo, klart jeg gleder meg til selveste julaften! Men jeg tenker på dere vennene mine i Uganda. Får dere legge dere mette i kveld? Jeg har alt, men vil fortsatt ha mer.
Six months under the top of the world. Andrea, my team partner last year, is in Nepal these days. She has already been there for about two weeks and has one week left. She wrote a blogpost for me as she is joining our dear project in the north of Kathmandu. Beautiful hanficraft from recycled paper.
Back to in Norway! Back in Norway after six amazing months in Brasil! In many ways is weird to be back, but it is also nice to see friends and family again. But at the same time I miss my Brasilian friends. Its a lot of things here in Norway that is going to take time getting used to. Im looking for the trash to put the toilet paper in. I miss the Brasilian food, but the Norwegian food is good too.
The opposite of love is not hate, it s indifference. 8211; the children and teachers at school. 8211; our friends in CHRISC. 8211; cheap fruit! 8211; being able to buy a meal for 3 NOK and actually feel full afterwards. 8211; Talking to random people on the street.
Yes, it is good to something that is sustainable, but I think I have used this thought as an excuse for not doing anything at all. We have rules about these things as volunteers in an organisation for our own good.
April 11, 2012 av Marit i Peru. Eg veit ikkje om eg har nemnt det før, men eg vel likevel å seie det igjen. Peru er eit fantastisk land! Altså, eg meinar. Kor mange stadar kan ein reise i eit og same land og føle at ein har vore i tre ulike verdsdelar? Eg nemnar Lima sin storslåtte ørken som gir assosiasjonar til Afrikas Sahara, høgfjellet sin grøne og kraftfulle natur dreg meg heim til Noreg, og låglandet sin jungel og med den spaktakulære Amazonas-elva fortel meg at eg framleis er i Søramerika.
Og det handler om Myanmar. Vi hadde 3 dagar i ein landsby utanfor byen, på ein førskule og ein barneheim, her arrangerte vi ulike leikar og oppgåver og det var dagar fylt med latter, glede og svette! Å leike stolleiker i rundt 35 grader gjer sitt! Etter litt om og men, nervøse blikk gjennom lovsongen føre preka, takkar eg Gud .
Det er menneska eg ha.
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Bénédicte Klène, plasticienne et chroni-croqueuse. Résidences, ateliers and workshops. Performances, Chroniques croquées, Reportages dessinés. Conférences, interventions, enseignement. 2015 Résidence Croq and Mob. 2015 Parcours Art et Littérature.
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