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Saturday, July 11, 2009. Summer Concerts in the Park. What a great summer family activity we went to the other night in Everhart park. The night was beautiful, cool but not too cool, no bugs or our super MelaSoft dryer sheets. In the Amphetheatre, we will be there to see the beginning and have another nice night. This time we will pack our picnics and come early.
Big took Shorty to his first live sporting event in July to see that Dream Team.
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes! Maya Angelou, African American poet. Be careful what you give children, for sooner or later you are sure to get it back.
I was super excited to visit her blog and read about her recipes and see all her links and ideas for organic and local living. I am always in search of new blogs to read! January 28, 2009.
A diary of the lives of our little girls. Sunday, August 2, 2009. He was three months shy of his 5 th.
Monday, November 30, 2009. Golden Memories that will last a life time! This past weekend while everyone was busy shopping and doing the crazy holiday stuff I was blessed to have had the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy my family, even make a few unforgettable memories. A fellow blogger had invited us to a surprise memory making event for mothers and daughters and it turned into a spectacular family get away. With the help of The Golden Inn of Avalon.
Saturday, February 5, 2011. Our new family of four. Saturday, May 15, 2010. On Thursday we had our twenty week ultrasound. We also wanted to find out the sex of the baby. The plan was to have the technician write down the sex and put it in an envelope and we went out to dinner and Kaitlyn read what it was. Here is the video enjoy watching and finding out. I have the opportunity from Kindercone and.
Saturday, July 11, 2009. I finished up the appointment with the other nurse practitioner. OK not that funny but very true. To everyone that was supporting me this treatment and who I had to cancel. Thank you for all that you do. I will miss seeing you.
JaNGan HaNyA baCa buKA mata TApi BaCa BukA MinDa. Demi buah tiin dan zaitun. Allah telah menyebut di dalam Al Quran berkenaan dengan buah zaitun. Ini menunjukkan buah zaitun juga memiliki banyak keistimewaan tersendiri yang jarang diketahui dan diselidiki.
Samfélag, fjölskylda og tækni. Gerast áskrifandi að fréttum Andabæjar? Gleðilega páska allir og hafið það gott um hátíðarnar. Í þessari viku, 2. febrúar, er árleg Tannverndarvika Landlæknisembættisins og tökum við í Andabæ þátt í henni, enda er góð tannheilsa dýrmæt öllum. Starfsfólk og börn á Andabæ.
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