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It has been a year now. Sorry for the length of time it has been since I have written. I normally only have time when I am at my parents though now mom has lent us a mobile connection and I have been able to access at home on the laptop. So, it has been 6 mont. She is a cutie and we love her to bits and pieces. I will try to keep you better updated than I have. Hello all, or those faithful few who stop by to see if I have written.
Sunday, February 8, 2009. tapi lepak kat umah 6 hari je. balik awal la uia as kena prepare utk pro,huhuhu. Seronok betul balik kali ni. ntah ape jin yang rasuk i. asyik pikir nak masak ape je kat umah. tgh hari dah plan nak msk ape utk breakfast esok, mlm dah pikir mak wat ape utk tea esoknye. at the end of the day. OMG, i just cannot stop eating n my wt? PaSTU BILA NAK STUDY? Biar waktu je yang menentukan.
ESCJOSEFA DEL RÍO GUERRERO MOROVIS,PUERTO RICO. 161;Bienvenidos a BiblioInfórmate! Josefa C. 161;Bienvenidos a BiblioInfórmate! Publicado por Daly Burgos Otero. Publicado por Daly Burgos Otero. Falleció en San Juan el 9 de agosto de 2006. Publicado por Daly Burgos Otero.