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SOSNOWIEC PRIMARY SCHOOL NO 33 COMENIUS PROJECT. Wtorek, 24 maja 2011. Summary of the project work for the year 2010-2011. We started our project from setting up a group of teachers responsible for completing Comenius tasks. During the first meeting, a school coordinator presented the plan and activities for the two years of the project. Grade The lesson was conducted by Mrs. Dworczyńską, regularly every Tuesday. 07 10 2010- The day of games- board games in English and Polish.
SOSNOWIEC PRIMARY SCHOOL NO 33 COMENIUS PROJECT. Wtorek, 24 maja 2011. Summary of the project work for the year 2010-2011. We started our project from setting up a group of teachers responsible for completing Comenius tasks. During the first meeting, a school coordinator presented the plan and activities for the two years of the project. Grade The lesson was conducted by Mrs. Dworczyńską, regularly every Tuesday. 07 10 2010- The day of games- board games in English and Polish.
Today I went to school at the same time like everyday. It was a boring day. The weather was very good today. On the picture you can see a snowman builded from my father ;D. D Later I must walk with m.
Es sieht so aus, als ob wir nicht das finden konnten, wonach du gesucht hast.
Willkommen auf der Internetseite der Freimaurerloge SAINT GERMAIN. In unserer Loge arbeiten Frauen und Männer gleichberechtigt nach alten überlieferten freimaurischen Ritualen unter Verwendung von Symbolen, die auf die in den mittelalterlichen Bauhütten verwendeten Werkzeuge zurückgehen. Toleranz - Freiheit - Brüderlichkeit - Humanität - Gleichheit. Alter und Angenommener Schottischer Ritus.
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