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Monday, February 28, 2011. After a good nights sleep, dressed, checked out, breakfast and then headed for Genc. but more rain than the previous day. After a walk to the plaza we headed for the castle. It was built as a castle and later used as a prison. Many, many, many circular steps. The torture displays were terrible to think about. The frame was built for display, but the blade was for reals.
The adventures of our eternal family. We play together, learn together and love together. Tuesday, January 13, 2009. A night with the cops. Around midnight Eric comes in the bedroom, wakes me up while grabbing the 30. the bumper sticker of the stolen car said. Taking Back the Garage! We are grate.
A blog about my life, its changes and what I have learned. Oh, and all that other random stuff. Wednesday, July 9, 2008. Wow - Can you guess what she said? I got this link from another one of my favorite blogs. asp? Sunday, June 1, 2008. Gas prices are out of control! Can anyone say ridiculous? Do you remember when gas was less than a buck? Prices they are making the pac.
I created it because my mom thought it would be cool if I did one, so I decided it would be cool too. Most of it will be my art stuff but some will be other stuff. I hope you enjoy my blog! Wednesday, December 17, 2008. Sunday, July 20, 2008.
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Крепость и дом, храм и дворец. И преимущественно, конечно, мужчины. Постепенно, с развитием конкурентного рынка, в сознании зодчих стран бывшего СССР начала просыпаться креативность.
Monday, February 28, 2011. After a good nights sleep, dressed, checked out, breakfast and then headed for Genc. but more rain than the previous day. After a walk to the plaza we headed for the castle. It was built as a castle and later used as a prison. Many, many, many circular steps. The torture displays were terrible to think about. The frame was built for display, but the blade was for reals.
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