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Stories from inside UK Immigration Detention. On Friday morning someone died in the Verne. The next day someone else cut himself very seriously. The NHS came after a long time. He was bleeding for a long time. The officers knew he was going to do that because he told them. They check him every hour but he did it after they checked and was there for a long time.
Welcome to the home of The Alien. Start your own free website. A surprisingly easy drag and drop site creator.
Fast Løn Til Taxa Chf. Blot en tanke, tilknyt Hyrevogns branchen til Movia i København. Det skal som forsøg være i takst zone 1 som Busserne bruger det, måske med en mindre udvidelse for Taxaer. Filed under Trafikken i København. Filed under Trafikken i København.
Filosofía mañanera por la noche. Filosofía mañanera por la tarde. Viernes, 17 de enero de 2014. Cuando lo importante se convierte en un rincón para las arañas hay que plantearse un cambio. Así que os espero en Acercamietos. Os dejo con una que canta y que suele estar sentada en esa mesa camilla con frecuencia. Viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013.