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Wednesday, April 20, 2011. Minggu nie aku ngah sibuk study. Pening sangat and banyak benda yang nak kena ingat. Semalam aku exam international law of the sea . Pening kot bnayak article nak kena ingat. Contoh article 87 provided from unclos 1982. Die terang pasal types of freedom. Banyak kot nak kena hafal. Arie nie aku ngah study maritime safety banyak kot nak kena baca. Contoh disini yng topic ade dalam subject nie ialah. Malas r nak ckap bnyak nie, je yng mampu aku taip untuk ari nie.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014. You must have come across a number of Venus factor. Reviews, but have you wondered, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the programfactor Venus? If you are interested in, which are forward here and cons of this weight loss program.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012. Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW sendiri diriwayatkan paling banyak berpuasa sunat pada Bulan Syaaban. Pernah Aisyah berkata kepada Baginda Nabi SAW, Ya Rasulullah, aku melihat kamu banyak berpuasa di bulan Syaaban. Justeru dapat difahami bahawa terdapat larangan berpuasa pada 15 Syaaban dan seterusnya sehingga masuk Bulan Ramadan.
Monday, June 21, 2010. The deceased had passed away four months before reaching his seven years birthday, death due to Leukemia. The father of the late Akmal Khaizuran.
My neighbours and my friends. Standing firm together against oppression holding hands. For giving us the strength to hold on. Calling you for freedom, freedom. We know you can hear our call ooh.