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KLIA - BKI - KOTA MARUDU - PITAS. Sunday, May 11, 2014.
A place where every doubts and problems in your life could be cured with only one way . shopping, shopping, and shopping. Wednesday, September 01, 2010. Since people are more familiar with Fashion Heaven rather than its mouthful former name. From Fashion Heaven By Shaiful Nizam Mukhelas.
Thursday, June 18, 2015. To err is only human. The only time perfection exists is when. You are blinded by pride. Wednesday, June 17, 2015. On a cold winter night. Locked in the warmest embrace. At a down town party. In front of the fireplace. A rush of blood to the head. The sharing of secrets in bed. Was a blur of happiness where. The common theme was you. I still wake up in the middle of the night. A fool is someone who.
My Alter Ego, My Sister. Cika, your Annoying sister.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Hampir 2 minggu parent lepak Miri. Balik kerja ada dinner, bangun pagi ada breakfast, weekend ada lunch, minum petang. Dah dua hari kembali sunyi. Ada aku, aku, aku. Weekend biasa nya aktiviti wajib adalah laundry! Ahad selalu lepak umah je, tgk tv and tdo sampai lebam. Tuesday, October 7, 2014. We learnt from the past. Dgn harapan kesilapan yang pernah kita buat tak berulang dan juga menj.
Introducing INDONESIAN NEW K-POP Group. AH terjumpa a new group. Dah tak tau mana satu . kalau nak suka pon dah terlampau ramai . balik pada cerita tadi . haaa pada mulanya memang terkejut dengan kumpulan baru KPOP ni .
Well, I just feel like it. It was my first blog post ever! Okay Enough with self-pity.
Come one, come all. Yours truly, aizat hashim. What do you think? May 07, 2011. My name is; the freestyle. My name is aizat but you can call me the best,. In a way, well we can tell the end from the start,.