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Thanks for stopping by and browsing through these pages showcasing my Graphic Design work. Each page displays a different category of design. Sunday, May 20, 2012. The images in this portfolio were designed for my Imaginative Images clients and others I designed for the Sacramento Regional Transit District while under contract with them. The graphics on this page are an example of the various categories of my work.
Thursday, July 5, 2012.
Thursday, July 5, 2012. The images in this portfolio were designed for my Imaginative Images clients and others I designed for the Sacramento Regional Transit District while under contract with them.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012. Posters, Flyers and Invitations. Click on the first image to see all the images enlarged. As part of a promotion to coordinate hospital shuttles and light rail.
Una nena de fornells de la Selva. Dilluns, 25 de maig de 2009. G de cobertura de xocolata. G de sucre en pols. A la xocolata desfeta afegim el sucre i la mantega i ho barragem tot molt bé. Muntem la nata amb una batadora de barnilles. Recordeu que és més facil si la nata líquida està ben freda. Barragem molt suament la xocolata amb la nata. Dimecres, 25 de març de 2009.
В данном блоге я буду делиться интересными материалами о философии, эзотерике, истории, здоровье, а также о многом другом. Здесь я буду записывать свои размышления о прочитанном, увиденном, услышанном или пережитом. Цель блога - созидание и объединение многих понятий, которые многим могут казаться если не противоречивыми, то не имеющими ничего общего. Ведь всё в мире взаимосвязано и взаимообусловлено. С уважением, Askhont! Среда, 5 августа 2015 г.
Algunos proyectos que dejó el 2009. Enviado por Ministerio de Educación Santa Fe. Escuelas 441 Y 6056 Proyecto El Palmar. Enviado por Ministerio de Educación Santa Fe. Enviado por Ministerio de Educación Santa Fe. Enviado por Ministerio de Educación Santa Fe. Enviado por Ministerio de Educación Santa Fe. En abril de 2009,.
Saturday, January 21, 2006. Domingo é o dia da preguiça. Não o animal, mas aquele sentimento que acontece de repende, fazendo-nos ficar de cama sem vontade de fazer nada. Esse deveria ser feriado nacional, pois assim ninguém precisaria trabalhar. Poderia passar apenas filmes que estão em cartaz no cinema, assim ninguém teria que assistir as barbaridaes que passa na televisão dia de domingo. A comida deveria se materializar no prato, pois assim ninguém teria de ir a cozinha para prepará-lo.
Transforming a barn to a holiday home. Monday, 16 February 2009. The outside of the barn on day of purchase. The inside of the barn on day of purchase. Sunday, 15 February 2009. Plaster boarding the ceiling and making the window openings. Saturday, 14 February 2009. Finally the plaster board starts going up. Pipe work for the essentials.