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Posted on May 23, 2010. I had no feel with this site then i decided to take that new one. The posts here all had been deleted,.
Saturday, January 17, 2009. Udah lama gak ngurusin blog. Sekarang sih sebenernya masih males, tapi dapet pr sih jadinya di kerjain dulu aja yah. Use google image to search the answer to the question below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people. The age of my next birthday. A city I was born.
You are my candygirl the sweetest girl i ever had. Im speechless, you know girl i think so hard when i was making this post. You are more than just a post, more than words. I love you Indira Setyowati. Be my wife in the future okay. I love you so muchooooos! And this song is for you. Sugar, ah honey honey. You are my candy girl. Honey, ah sugar sugar.
Nah, sekarang gue punya cerita tentang dua sejoli ini. Entah mengapa dipaggilnya agam gue juga ga tau. Nah, ini menceritakan tentang putus sambungnya hubungan mereka, dan lagi lagi gue dimintai tolong untuk menyatukan mereka kembali, lo tau sendiri kan gimana gedeknya gue nyatuian mereka berkali kali? Tapi ga lama kemudian, lo tau kan? Dan sekarang mereka masih jadian, semoga langgeng ya buat lo berdua! Jangan putus lagi loh! Saking pa.