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We are a bunch of people working in Art Explore, a studio that aims to develop creativity in Indonesia. Sunday, September 30, 2007. Tapping into your subconscious for ideas. Dewi Susanti and Kayee Man.
Friday, August 29, 2014. Which is probably why my mind is starting to muse about unnecessary things again.
It is only an unjustified opinion of mind, a simple notion of consciousness. Tuesday, March 13, 2012. In Memoriam, Don Nitisastro. Seperti kita ketahui, Indonesia kehilangan seorang begawan ekonomi yang punya pengaruh sangat besar. Ide nya masih sahih untuk diimplementasikan di era modern ini. Sebelumnya saya berniat untuk mengulas ini secara detil, tapi salah seorang kolega saya di FEUI sudah mengulasnya dengan tuntas dan menarik. In Memorian, The Don.
Just a little economic thought that i want to share. Tuesday, April 14, 2009. Pengaruhnya terhadap Ekonomi Jawa Tengah. Menambah investasi sebesar Rp 1,25 saja, maka perekonomian akan terakselerasi lebih cepat. Efek ini diperkuat dengan adanya penyaluran kredit perbankan. Data KBI, Semarang menunjukkan bahwa penyaluran kredit perbankan dan UMKM di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2008 mencapai Rp. Namun apabila dampak pemilu berlanjut .
Thursday, March 8, 2007. Scientists Take on Climate Change. Climate change is reality and some of its results are now inevitable, but a new report offers a road map for mitigating and adapting to its effects. Climate change will lead to major crop failures, more extreme weather events, and make environmental refugees of tens of millions. Monday, February 12, 2007. Global Warming and That Inevitable Doom. I cannot say that .
Rest in Peace, Yop! Maret 8, 2014. Kalau ada saat dimana saya menulis sambil menitikkan airmata, notes ini adalah salah satunya. Setelah telpon ditutup baru saya lihat sms nya dan segera .
Tekanan inflasi di Indonesia pada triwulan III-2008 masih tinggi. Hal ini terutama berasal dari tingginya ekspektasi inflasi masyarakat, kuatnya permintaan domestik, serta dampak imported inflation terkait dengan potensi pelemahan nilai tukar rupiah sebagai akibat dari krisis keuangan di AS. Menyikapi perkembangan tersebut, pada tataran kebijakan, .
Posted by aniq in Puisi. Penaku bergetar pelan di atas lembar putih bisu. Kusapa ramah setiap kata yang kurangkai. Ku buka lembar kedua,. Masih ku goreskan pena berona cinta and. Berhias cerita-cerita tersirat rindu menggebu. Bertutur kisah-kisah lama juga tentang,. Tatkala air mata terbentang,. Aku tak tahu lagi apa yang akan kutuliskan.
Liberal democracy without secularism is possible. The believer is the true full man. William James, Fall 1880. Filed in Life as I know it. FYI, Ujang won the bet. My wife and I now have four blogs. And another is in indonesian.
Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society is the sole business honor society for accredited junior, community and technical colleges. The society exists to recognize and reward academic excellence among business honor students and to recognize the contribution to learning and business of professionals. Alpha Beta Gamma is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies.
Sedm jednoduchých triků, které z vás udělají sexy bohyni. Nauč se vnímat barvu své aury. Ak mas rada vyrazne licenie, prides si na svoje. Klasicky, pcvodne vecerny mejkap s dorazom na tmavocervene pery a precizne namalovane oci sa najnovsie uplatni aj ako denne .
Vivemos em um mundo de grande preocupação, a sociedade casa dia está sendo ameaçados por nossas futuras gerações, que por enquanto são aprendiz, e daqui alguns anos herdarão tudo que temos e que lutamos para conquistar. A grande preocupação que estamos tendo, é que estamos tirando o sono e a indisciplina que está acompanhando nossas crianças.
I looked above the microwave and saw stale bread. Talk about getting the life sucked out of you. Back up, self! Ummaybe. Well, I am having di.