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Slow down, relax, read a poem a day. Thursday, April 12, 2018. Written with a Diamond on her Window at Woodstock - Queen Elizabeth I. Much suspected by me,. Nothing proved can be,. When you think on Queen Elizabeth I, do you think of a poet? Most likely, you think of her as the monarch first, and if you think of her in connection to poetry at all, it is as subject, rather than author, such as in The Faerei Queene. In her state writings, Elizabeth masterfully plays.
Saturday, July 4, 2015. For such a revolutionary take on music and history. It will make you gaga. Thursday, July 2, 2015. Start Late, Finish Rich.
April is the loveliest month breeding poems out of the dead land, mixing inspiration with desire, stirring bright roots with spring rain. Jazz floats on the air. Like a sultry smoke, bubbles. Every single thing a fascination.
Filosofia, Religião e Novos conceitos. Nova visão do Cristianismo bíblico, sem influência do paganismo e de tradições antigas.
Life with addiction, anorexia and bulimia. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. So you think you want an eating disorder? And then she recovered. What not to say to someone with an eating disorder. Saturday, 15 August 2015. As the title of this post suggests. Today is the day of Mums retirement do. Beds are changed with fresh white linen.
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Ta geule et regarde, le film va commencer. Un voyage magnifique avec vous,.
Bloggende brompot ; anekdotiek ten voeten uit, door een dilettant. Toch verliep die op onze lijn naar mijn weten zo goed als vlekkeloos. Het weekend van 25 en 26 april had ik een verrassing in petto voor M.