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Friday, March 11, 2011. My most embarrassing moment in my life. My most embarrassing moment happened around four years ago when I was form six in high school. My school was quite strict especially for the rules. The problem was that my parents were not available to accompany me. And this was the cause of my most embarrassing moment.
A heavy storm is moving inside. Begin at the central climbing up to the high. All at one it gets back to the central once again. Suddenly, a thunder is rumbling with a stinky freezing wind blowing through. Slowly and slowly the pain is walking over my stomach. Without delay,I am runing to the TOILET! This is a distinctive of the rain first falls on the dry eart. Unexpectedly, a cold drop of water falls on my head. I am looking up through the roof , Oh! Using the senses in writing. What a character hears in.
Sunday, April 3, 2011. Beside the food, there were stalls selling clothing, bags some basic utilities. When my friends and I saw the copy brand name bag stall, we hurried to go there. I nearly vomit blood with the price because it was too cheap. The copy brand name that I bought at my house for 250-350 bath but here only RM 15 or 150 bath, it makes me wonder. Traveling at Taman Tamadun Islam, Terengganu Malaysia.
JUST THINK CREATIVE, WRITE CREATIVE. Tuesday, December 25, 2012. The Kindness of An Old Man. One day, I felt bad. I woke up, I felt sick. I had a shower, had breakfast and then I took medicine. Then I rode a motorcycle to universities. On the way I feel sleepy and then I had an accident. Then he walked out of the car and walked up to me unexpectedly. The kind guy as him.
Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Beakfast is coming, the Satan are getting fat. Please to say Bismillah, before you eat;.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011. Whatever goes up must go down. Wherever is difficulty wherever is opportunity. Sunday, 10 April 2011. Wednesday, 16 March 2011.
Saturday, March 12, 2011. Here is my sold and here is my heart. To forgive that I did wrong. Blown by the softly fresh wind. In the faint light before noon. Greeting sleepy girl in class. On the day of the trip from Taman Tamadun Islam, it was a cold morning and we had been at Islamic garden TTI since 8. The Creative Writing Career List.
I gaze some place where I can see only two charming colours of paddy field and blue sky like a green carpet in a bright blue room and beautify with a flashing lights of lamp from the sun. The leaves are dancing slowly and slowly follow the wind. The fragrance of muddy grond flow trough my nose , while the sweet sound melodious music are played the superstar birds. Who is your God? My God is Allah. Who is your Prophet? My Prophet is Muhammad. Who propogate Islam to us. Who have Islam in mind.
We are Muslim, we are Muslim. Wednesday, 9 February 2011. Three month ago; I took a trip to Terengganu with our classmate. We stayed there for 3 days during rainy reason. The main activity of this trip was visual education about tourism subject. Wednesday, 26 January 2011. The most embarrassing moment in my life. Therefore, everyone at the food shop saw us.
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Posted by admin on Juli 3rd, 2015. Besonders Po-, Waden- und Oberschenkelmuskulatur müssen beim Steppen hart arbeiten und bringen somit Herz und Kreislauf auf Hochtouren, was zudem das Wohlbefinden sehr fördert. Posted by admin on Mai 29th, 2015. Rower Cardio I ist das ideale RUDERGERÄT.
It includes my travel writing experience, Islamic Nursury rhyme, creative writng and some video for entertainment. please comment after you have read my works. Friday, March 11, 2011. General to Islamic nursery Rhyme. Row row row your boat. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,. Life is but a dream. Nice, nicely, nicely, nicely,.
Thursday, March 10, 2011. In November, my teacher brought us to travel at TTI. As my bus was crossing. The view of the TTI and. Around 20 of the monuments and mosques of the world were duplicated at the TTI, Malaysia such as national mosque of Malaysia, Alhambra pa.