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English Language Arts and Social Studies. Being a Mentor Teacher . This is a great TED Talk about listening! Be in silence for just three minutes a day.
Dixie Dragons 5th Grade News and Notes. Visit Our 5th Grade Facebook Site! Please like our Facebook page to get daily information about what is going on in our class. This is set up as a business page, so we are not able to see anything that you post on your page. This is just to share information. Dear Fifth Grade Families,. Welcome to our Website! Mrs Hammond, Mrs. Start your own free website.
Friday, September 25, 2009. Monday, June 8, 2009. Wow what a fun project! Our brilliant 5th graders have just made their first podcasts.
Thursday, June 9, 2011. You are on your way to middle school. We will miss you! To my almost middle schoolers,. This is the time of year where we reflect on all that we have done in 5th grade and look. Forward to all that you will accomplish. I have had a wonderful time with both my morning. Class and afternoon class, teaching you, listening to you, and going a little crazy with you. As we have inched our way to the end of the year. You have all made tremendous growth.
5th Grade Gators Scientists and Mathematicians. I am very happy to start a new school year with a great class and this awesome website. Please, stay tuned and explore this website. Estoy muy contenta de comenzar un nuevo ciclo escolar con una gran clase y esta extraordinaria pagina electronica para ustedes. Por favor visita y explora esta pagina web. Just a little about your teacher! Nací en una familia cariñosa y muy unid.