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Saturday, May 28, 2011. Track Bulletin - May 29. Titans, Ex-Titans, Parents and Coaches,. Thanks, and hope to see all of you Tuesday evening. Titan Track Bulletin - May 29, 2011. We will meet in the Stadium- weather permitting. It will be a pretty low-key event. Just a little food, fun and handing out some awards. Parents and alumni are invited and encouraged to attend- but are not eligible for the drawing.
Monday, July 8, 2013. There was an error in this gadget. All the photos provided through this blog are for the use of the athletes.
Saturday, February 9, 2013.
Sunday, March 18, 2012.
浠ヤ汉涓烘湰 瀹 鍏 绉戝 鍙 潬 鎸佺画鏀硅繘. 鑹 笀鐩婂弸鈥斿啓鍦ㄣ 婁腑鍥藉伐绋嬪挩璇 嬫潅蹇楀垱鍒? 鏂板父鎬佷笅宸ョ 鍜ㄨ 璁哄潧鏆ㄩ 鐩 帹浠嬩細鍦ㄧ敇鑲冩 濞佷妇鍔? 浼佷笟鎶曡祫椤圭洰鍚庤瘎浠峰疄璺典笌鎺 储鐮旇 浼氬湪鑻忓窞鍙 紑. 宸ョ 閫犱环甯堥 杞 鐞嗗姙娉? 寤鸿 椤圭洰鐜 褰卞搷璇勪环鍒嗙被绠 悊鍚嶅綍.
鍥藉 鍙戝睍鏀归潻濮斿叧浜庡彂甯冮 鐩 敵璇锋姤鍛婇 氱敤鏂囨湰鐨? 鍏充簬鍔犲己鍜岃 鑼冩柊寮 宸ラ 鐩 鐞嗙殑閫氱煡. 涓 ぎ棰勭畻鍐呮姇璧勮ˉ鍔 拰璐存伅椤圭洰绠 悊鏆傝 鍔炴硶. 杈藉畞鐪佸 鍟嗘姇璧勯 鐩 牳鍑嗘殏琛屽姙娉? 杈藉畞鐪佸 澶栨姇璧勯 鐩 牳鍑嗘殏琛屽姙娉? 鍏充簬娑夋捣宸ョ 鎶曡祫椤圭洰绠 悊鏈夊叧闂 鐨勯 氱煡. 鍏充簬鍙戝竷銆婅窘瀹佺渷寤鸿 椤圭洰鐜 褰卞搷璇勪环鏂囦欢鍒嗙骇瀹 壒瑙勫畾銆? 澶ц繛甯備汉姘戞斂搴滃姙鍏 巺杞 彂甯傚彂灞曟敼闈 绛変竷閮ㄩ棬鍏充簬鍔犲己鍜? 銆婂ぇ杩炲競杩涗竴姝ヤ績杩涙姇璧勫 闀垮崄鍏 潯鎺 柦銆嬭疮褰昏惤瀹炴儏鍐佃.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009. 8216;So, Comrade Health Minister, what are we going to do about all these wretches with Aids? Are we going to spend millions of rands on anti-retrovirals, or should we, how can I put it, dissemble a bit, and propagate the theory that there is no causal link between HIV and Aids? 8216;Well, Comrade Esteemed President, what do you think? 8216;Is there anything we have missed, comrades? Sitting near the front of.